Greenholme - An evergreen home where we grow professionally

Greenholme - An evergreen home where we grow professionally
"Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it." Marian Wright Edelman

Monday, 24 March 2008

Starting Points -Math

Starting Points - Math

From the main page select CURRICULUM CONNECTIONS and then open Matrix File for each
subject in the Ontario Curriculum... What you'll find there are lesson Plans sorted by Grade Level
for each subject....thanks Ottawa-Carleton

Great Math Activities for kids from K to OAC...National Council of Teachers
of Math (US)....Resources, Lesson name’s here..awesome!

The direct link to all the planner units written for Ontario Public School Boards (Grades 1 -
8) can browse the descriptions and download the units you'd like in .pdf format..worth the
drive to Acton!

Avon Maitland School Board have linked sites for Students to the Ontario Curriculum at each
grade level. Each Grade also features links to lesson plans for Teachers (many developed within
their school board) ....may require a plug-in or 3 but definitely worth a visit!

Collection of web sites chosen for classroom use by teachers and their students. These sites,
which match the Ontario Curriculum have been selected by Pat Elliott a certified Ontario teacher
with library specialist qualifications.

Curriculum documents, specific lessons, sorted by Grade and Subject…lots of time in
Saskatchewan! Click on the Evergreen Curriculum link from the first page to begin!

Karen Walkowiak (Ottawa Carelton Catholic School Board) has linked web resources for K -6
teachers by subject....this is a "work in progress" (Grade 7 & 8 "coming soon") but you'll find
something useful for the grade you teach..

An online "Community" for Math Educators...good O.C. resources....Queen's University...If you
click on the Info button on the first page it provides a very useful overview of the site..

It's an excellent starting point for teachers...very clearly laid out and it even includes actual
lessons you can use with your students....Created by Kevin McAsh, Computer Resource
Teacher with the York Region District School Board.

a quick and simple way for you (or your students) to generate math worksheets..endless #'s of
them in fact!

"Brain Teasers"...logical problem solving challenges...3 levels of difficulty...suitable for older
students (Gr. 7 - High School) or as "Class Problems" for Gr. 4 - 7...each one comes with an
explanation...many are quite challenging

Brent Phillips - Grade 7/8 teacher in Halton has created a site full of K-8 O.C. links ....again very
useful as a resource

Web Resources and on-line activities for Grade 7 and 8 Ontario Math Curriculum - created by
staff and students at an Ottawa school

An exhaustive American site...links to lesson plans and flash card type activities for students

St. Francis Xavier University...Math Word Problems sorted by Grades 5-12

Extensive on-line collection of Math "Brain Teaser" type puzzles...

A web page for Math and Science Teachers in the U.S. There are lesson plans and Links.

A great site for teachers, parents and students. The site has links and resources for every subject.
This is an extensive list of Science and Math links.

The Statistic Canada Educational Resources web page. There are links for teachers and students.

Math Forum Web page. Links and resources for Math teachers.

Part of Houghton-Mifflin site featuring "problem of the week" type brain teasers sorted by
Grade (3-4, 5-6, 7+).....Includes an archive of previous problems.

EduNet....Web Resources and Topic ideas for every subject connected to the Ontario
Curriculum...worth a visit

Canadian, (IT Teacher in Edmonton)....found out about this at can subscribe to get
"a site a day" sent to your e-mailbox...also has lots of great links

4500 Word Problems sorted for Grades 1 -8....printable worksheets

48 math problems written by Grade 5's..could be useful

Searchable library of over 1100 student created all areas of the curriculum...a possible
starting point for student/teacher research about a specific topic...worth spending some time to
visit and bookmark sites for your students!

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